2020 Issue 3

For the Sake of Future Generations...:
to the 75th Anniversary of the Great Victory



Ради грядущих поколений…: к 75-й годовщине Великой ПобедыFrom the Editor

 This issue of the journal is special, most of the materials presented in it are dedicated to the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory. The Great Patriotic war is a significant period in the history of the peoples of the former USSR. It serves as a “bridge” connecting very different people. The memory of sacrifices and hardships, feats and victories lives in the heart of every person. The study of the Great Patriotic war has long been one of the most popular historical topics, but despite the great interest of historians, the intensity of passions around it does not subside. Historical discussions reach serious acuteness and often contain accusations of falsification and “blackening” of history, or, on the contrary, of “varnishing” and embellishing reality. In this situation, the only way to prevent the ideologization of ideas about the Great Patriotic war is to continue and expand scientific research from a variety of viewpoints.


Original article


North-West of Russia During the German-Fascist Occupation (1941–1944)In the Line of Fire

 Е.E. Krasnozhenova

 North-West of Russia During the German-Fascist Occupation (1941–1944)

 The article analyzes the economic policy of the German-fascist invaders in the occupied territory of the North-West of the RSFSR in 1941–1944. It was based on using the region’s economic potential to supply Nazi Germany and its armies. The occupation caused great damage to the economy of the North-West.

Publishing: 29/06/2020

How to cite: Krasnozhenova Е.E. North-West of Russia During the German-Fascist Occupation (1941–1944) // Historical Courier, 2020, No. 3 (11), pp. 6–11. [Available online:] http://istkurier.ru/data/2020/ISTKURIER-2020-3-01.pdf


Abstract               Original article


Specificity of Soldiers’ Motivation in Kazakh National Formations During the Great Patriotic WarIn the Line of Fire

 S.A. Asanova

 Specificity of Soldiers’ Motivation in Kazakh National Formations During the Great Patriotic War

 The article is dedicated to the analysis of major sources of the patriotic upsurge of the Kazakh people and the reasons for their voluntary sacrifice in the war years using the example of national military units. The previous explanatory practices that linked the sources of victory to the indisputable advantage of the Soviet system and the people’s support of the Soviet government do not satisfy and do not correspond to the modern level of historical knowledge.

Publishing: 29/06/2020

How to cite: Asanova S.A. Specificity of Soldiers’ Motivation in Kazakh National Formations During the Great Patriotic War // Historical Courier, 2020, No. 3 (11), pp. 12–27. [Available online:] http://istkurier.ru/data/2020/ISTKURIER-2020-3-02.pdf


Abstract               Original article


Сreation of the 8th Guards Army Artillery Group in the Berlin Strategic Offensive OperationIn the Line of Fire

 V.V. Izonov

 Сreation of the 8th Guards Army Artillery Group in the Berlin Strategic Offensive Operation

 The article is devoted to the Berlin strategic offensive operation – one of the largest strategic operations of the great Patriotic war of 1941–1945. It contains an analysis of events related to the creation of the 8th guards army's artillery group, which operated in the direction of the main strike in the Berlin strategic offensive operation.

Publishing: 29/06/2020

How to cite: Izonov V.V. Сreation of the 8th Guards Army Artillery Group in the Berlin Strategic Offensive Operation // Historical Courier, 2020, No. 3 (11), pp. 28–34. [Available online:] http://istkurier.ru/data/2020/ISTKURIER-2020-3-03.pdf


Abstract               Original article


The Front-Line Period of V.S. Rogal’s Life Based on the Materials of the Diary “Forward to the West” (1943–1945)In the Line of Fire

 V.V. Tkachev

 The Front-Line Period of V.S. Rogal’s Life Based on the Materials of the Diary “Forward to the West” (1943–1945)

 The article examines the front-line period of the life of Vitaly S. Rogal during the Great Patriotic War (1941–1945) based on the diary of the Siberian artist “Forward to the West” (1943–1945). The author considers historiography of research devoted to the artist; describes the sources of the diary.

Publishing: 29/06/2020

How to cite: Tkachev V.V. The Front-Line Period of V.S. Rogal’s Life Based on the Materials of the Diary “Forward to the West” (1943–1945) // Historical Courier, 2020, No. 3 (11), pp. 35–38. [Available online:] http://istkurier.ru/data/2020/ISTKURIER-2020-3-04.pdf


Abstract               Original article


Scientist and Citizen: Participation of the Leading Scholars of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the Great Patriotic WarIn the Line of Fire

 G.M. Zaporozhchenko

 Scientist and Citizen: Participation of the Leading Scholars of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the Great Patriotic War

 The article provides a holistic picture of the military period in the biographies of scientific leaders of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It focuses on the members of the Academy of Sciences including M.A. Lavrentiev, A.A. Lyapunov, S.A. Khristianovich, L.V. Kantorovich, D.K. Belyaev, A.V. Rzhanov, N.N. Yanenko, G.I. Marchuk, A.A. Trofimuk, A.L. Yanshin.

Publishing: 29/06/2020

How to cite: Zaporozhchenko G.M. Scientist and Citizen: Participation of the Leading Scholars of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the Great Patriotic War // Historical Courier, 2020, No. 3 (11), pp. 39–68. [Available online:] http://istkurier.ru/data/2020/ISTKURIER-2020-3-05.pdf


Abstract               Original article


The Formation of Evacuation Hospitals Network in the Kuzbass During the Great Patriotic WarFeat of the Rear

 E.A. Orlova

 The Formation of Evacuation Hospitals Network in the Kuzbass During the Great Patriotic War

 The effective military hospital system was formed in the territory of the Kemerovo region during the Great Patriotic war of 1941–1945. According to archival data there were 72 evacuation hospitals in the Kuzbass cities and towns. Analysis of documents showed that three groups of military hospitals were stationed in Kuzbass. The first group included 22 military hospitals deployed by the Siberian military district.

Publishing: 29/06/2020

How to cite: Orlova E.A. The Formation of Evacuation Hospitals Network in the Kuzbass During the Great Patriotic War // Historical Courier, 2020, No. 3 (11), pp. 69–76. [Available online:] http://istkurier.ru/data/2020/ISTKURIER-2020-3-06.pdf


Abstract               Original article


Fight Against Child Crime in the Krasnoyarsk Territory During the Great Patriotic WarFeat of the Rear

 L.E. Mezit

 Fight Against Child Crime in the Krasnoyarsk Territory During the Great Patriotic War

 The article written on the materials of regional archives analyzes the causes of child crime and mass homelessness during the war period. The evolution of state policy in relation to juvenile delinquents was aimed at their re-education and preservation as socially useful citizens of the Soviet country. However, on the ground, the implementation of this legislation was extremely controversial and not effective enough.

Publishing: 29/06/2020

How to cite: Mezit L.E. Fight Against Child Crime in the Krasnoyarsk Territory During the Great Patriotic War // Historical Courier, 2020, No. 3 (11), pp. 77–83. [Available online:] http://istkurier.ru/data/2020/ISTKURIER-2020-3-07.pdf


Abstract               Original article


The Battle for Cleanliness: the Activities of Sanitary Authorities in Western Siberia During the Great Patriotic WarFeat of the Rear

 M.A. Semenov

 The Battle for Cleanliness: the Activities of Sanitary Authorities in Western Siberia During the Great Patriotic War

 The article describes the struggle to maintain sanitary conditions in Western Siberia. Compliance with sanitary requirements was the most important factor preventing the spread of epidemic diseases, increasing injuries in industry and agriculture, etc. Compliance with sanitary standards often made it difficult for enterprises and institutions to carry out their main activities.

Publishing: 29/06/2020

How to cite: Semenov M.A. The Battle for Cleanliness: the Activities of Sanitary Authorities in Western Siberia During the Great Patriotic War // Historical Courier, 2020, No. 3 (11), pp. 84–95. [Available online:] http://istkurier.ru/data/2020/ISTKURIER-2020-3-08.pdf


Abstract               Original article


Material-Proprietary Environment of the Rear Everyday Life in the Urals (According to the Evidence of Ego Documents)Feat of the Rear

 N.P. Paletskikh

 Material-Proprietary Environment of the Rear Everyday Life in the Urals (According to the Evidence of Ego Documents)

 The article is devoted to the study of the material and proprietary aspects of everyday life of the population of the deep rear during the great Patriotic war. The study was performed on the materials of the Greater Urals (Bashkir ASSR, Udmurt ASSR, Kurgan, Molotov, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Chkalov regions).

Publishing: 29/06/2020

How to cite: Paletskikh N.P. Material-Proprietary Environment of the Rear Everyday Life in the Urals (According to the Evidence of Ego Documents) // Historical Courier, 2020, No. 3 (11), pp. 96–106. [Available online:] http://istkurier.ru/data/2020/ISTKURIER-2020-3-09.pdf


Abstract               Original article


The Impact of World War II on Economical Development of the Ural and SiberiaFeat of the Rear

 A.I. Timoshenko

 The Impact of World War II on Economical Development of the Ural and Siberia

 The author discusses problems associated with the influence of the Second World War and Great Patriotic War on the development of various branches of industrial economy of Ural and Siberia. It is noted that the construction of large industrial enterprises, including military ones, began in the years of the first five-year plans, and then continued in the late 1930s.

Publishing: 29/06/2020

How to cite: Timoshenko A.I. The Impact of World War II on Economical Development of the Ural and Siberia // Historical Courier, 2020, No. 3 (11), pp. 107–112. [Available online:] http://istkurier.ru/data/2020/ISTKURIER-2020-3-10.pdf


Abstract               Original article


The Visual Images of the Great Patriotic War in the Soviet Post-War CinemaOur Shared Memory

 A.V. Trofimov

 The Visual Images of the Great Patriotic War in the Soviet Post-War Cinema

 Based on the analysis of the content of Soviet cinema in the first post-war years, the paper identifies the thematic fields, story lines and semantic units that make up the image of the great Patriotic war. In the post-war Soviet society, cinema was an entertainment and recreation available to almost all categories of the population, and for the state it was a means of broadcasting normative visual images and meanings.

Publishing: 29/06/2020

How to cite: Trofimov A.V. The Visual Images of the Great Patriotic War in the Soviet Post-War Cinema // Historical Courier, 2020, No. 3 (11), pp. 113–124. [Available online:] http://istkurier.ru/data/2020/ISTKURIER-2020-3-11.pdf


Abstract               Original article


Paternal OrderOur Shared Memory

 V.I. Isaev

 Paternal Order

 The article discusses the process of formation of historical memory of the Great Patriotic War. The importance of the State Information System “Memory”, created by employees of the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to store information about the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War, is shown.

Publishing: 29/06/2020

How to cite: Isaev V.I. Paternal Order // Historical Courier, 2020, No. 3 (11), pp. 125–133. [Available online:] http://istkurier.ru/data/2020/ISTKURIER-2020-3-12.pdf


Abstract               Original article


Commemorative Family Practices: The Great Patriotic War and Time of Peace in the Life of Our ParentsOur Shared Memory

 О.N. Shelegina, N.N. Shelegin

 Commemorative Family Practices: The Great Patriotic War and Time of Peace in the Life of Our Parents

 Commemoration is a phenomenon associated with the preservation of the memory of significant events of the past in public consciousness. Commemorative practices are a set of methods to consolidate, preserve and transmit the memory of the past in society. In general, they relate to the actual socio-cultural phenomena that require study at different levels, from global and national to regional, local, and personal.

Publishing: 29/06/2020

How to cite: Shelegina О.N., Shelegin N.N. Commemorative Family Practices: The Great Patriotic War and Time of Peace in the Life of Our Parents // Historical Courier, 2020, No. 3 (11), pp. 134–144. [Available online:] http://istkurier.ru/data/2020/ISTKURIER-2020-3-13.pdf


Abstract               Original article


The Great Patriotic War as Depicted in the Modern University TextbooksOur Shared Memory

 T.A. Kebak

 The Great Patriotic War as Depicted in the Modern University Textbooks

 The article is focused on the representations of the Great Patriotic War in high school textbooks on Russian history which were published by Moscow publishing houses in the last twenty years. Based on the analysis of the textbooks, the author highlighted the main debatable questions, topics, the options of their interpretation by the compilers and described the authors of the high school textbooks.

Publishing: 29/06/2020

How to cite: Kebak T.A. The Great Patriotic War as Depicted in the Modern University Textbooks // Historical Courier, 2020, No. 3 (11), pp. 145–151. [Available online:] http://istkurier.ru/data/2020/ISTKURIER-2020-3-14.pdf


Abstract               Original article


Leisure and Educational Practices of Novosibirsk Collectors of Transport Equipment During the Great Patriotic WarOur Shared Memory

 N.N. Pokrovsky

 Leisure and Educational Practices of Novosibirsk Collectors of Transport Equipment During the Great Patriotic War

 The public interest in technology during the Great Patriotic War has steadily increased over time. Based on historical monuments in private collections of Novosibirsk collectors, the article provides an overview of some types of transport equipment of this period; describes a number of their leisure and educational practices.

Publishing: 29/06/2020

How to cite: Pokrovsky N.N. Leisure and Educational Practices of Novosibirsk Collectors of Transport Equipment During the Great Patriotic War // Historical Courier, 2020, No. 3 (11), pp. 152–161. [Available online:] http://istkurier.ru/data/2020/ISTKURIER-2020-3-15.pdf


Abstract               Original article


Grain Collection Campaign of 1937/1938 in Western SiberiaProblems of Agricultural History

 V.A. Ilinykh

 Grain Collection Campaign of 1937/1938 in Western Siberia

 The article contains detailed reconstruction of the course and results of grain collection campaign of 1937/1938 in West Siberia, and after its separation – in the Novosibirsk region. Research is carried out in the context of the Soviet state’s agrarian policy. Conclusion is that in 1937 the ruling regime eased pressure on the village.

Publishing: 29/06/2020

How to cite: Ilinykh V.A. Grain Collection Campaign of 1937/1938 in Western Siberia // Historical Courier, 2020, No. 3 (11), pp. 162–175. [Available online:] http://istkurier.ru/data/2020/ISTKURIER-2020-3-16.pdf


Abstract               Original article


Harvesting and Grain Collection in the Novosibirsk Region in 1941Problems of Agricultural History

 S.V. Sharapov

 Harvesting and Grain Collection in the Novosibirsk Region in 1941

 Study of the state’s grain collection policy during the years of the Great Patriotic war remains an urgent task for historians studying the functioning of Soviet economy during the war period. This article shows how harvesting and grain collection campaigns took place in 1941 in one of the main grain-producing regions of Western Siberia – Novosibirsk region.

Publishing: 29/06/2020

How to cite: Sharapov S.V. Harvesting and Grain Collection in the Novosibirsk Region in 1941 // Historical Courier, 2020, No. 3 (11), pp. 176–187. [Available online:] http://istkurier.ru/data/2020/ISTKURIER-2020-3-17.pdf


Abstract               Original article


Qualitative Characteristics of Grain Resources of the RSFSR in the Second Half of 1950s (Notes of the Minister of Grain Products of the RSFSR to the Central Committee of CPSU)Open Archives

 S.N. Andreenkov

 Qualitative Characteristics of Grain Resources of the RSFSR in the Second Half of 1950s (Notes of the Minister of Grain Products of the RSFSR to the Central Committee of CPSU)

 The two notes of the Minister of Grain Products of RSFSR N.E. Proshunin sent to the Central Committee of the CPSU in 1957 and 1958 are introduced into scientific use. They provide information on the status of grain resources of republic, reflecting extremely difficult situation in this area.

Publishing: 29/06/2020

How to cite: Andreenkov S.N. Qualitative Characteristics of Grain Resources of the RSFSR in the Second Half of 1950s (Notes of the Minister of Grain Products of the RSFSR to the Central Committee of CPSU) // Historical Courier, 2020, No. 3 (11), pp. 188–197. [Available online:] http://istkurier.ru/data/2020/ISTKURIER-2020-3-18.pdf


Abstract               Original article


Social Stratification in Collective Farms of West Siberian Region in the 1930sOpen Archives

 V.B. Laperdin

 Social Stratification in Collective Farms of West Siberian Region in the 1930s

 The paper objective is to introduce into scientific use the report of B. Mayberg who was the chief of “politotdel” (political department) of Topkinsky MTS. Its content is important for understanding social processes in the Soviet village in the 1930s. Publication is preceded by an introductory article, which gives a brief description of the historiography of the problem of professional and material differentiation of collective farm society.

Publishing: 29/06/2020

How to cite: Laperdin V.B. Social Stratification in Collective Farms of West Siberian Region in the 1930s // Historical Courier, 2020, No. 3 (11), pp. 198–211. [Available online:] http://istkurier.ru/data/2020/ISTKURIER-2020-3-19.pdf


Abstract               Original article


“Symbol of Deliverance”: Representation of Counterrevolutionary Dictatorship in the Essays of S.A. Auslander About A.V. Kolchak (II)In First Person

 V.V. Zhuravlev

 “Symbol of Deliverance”: Representation of Counterrevolutionary Dictatorship in the Essays of S.A. Auslander About A.V. Kolchak (II)

 This publication introduces final seven essays of the prominent writer, special correspondent of the Omsk newspaper Sibirskaya Rech S.A. Auslander, “In the Train of the Supreme Governor”.

Publishing: 29/06/2020

How to cite: Zhuravlev V.V. “Symbol of Deliverance”: Representation of Counterrevolutionary Dictatorship in the Essays of S.A. Auslander About A.V. Kolchak (II) // Historical Courier, 2020, No. 3 (11), pp. 212–231. [Available online:] http://istkurier.ru/data/2020/ISTKURIER-2020-3-20.pdf


Abstract               Original article