Timoshenko Albina I.,

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Institute of History of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



The Impact of World War II on Economical Development of the Ural and Siberia


 DOI: 10.31518/2618-9100-2020-3-10

 The author discusses problems associated with the influence of the Second World War and Great Patriotic War on the development of various branches of industrial economy of Ural and Siberia. It is noted that the construction of large industrial enterprises, including military ones, began in the years of the first five-year plans, and then continued in the late 1930s. An important mobilization preparation was carried out in the prewar years, which were marked by the deployment of backup enterprises of the European part of the USSR. The next stage in the development of industrial economy of the Ural-Siberian region was associated with the Great Patriotic War, when it received a new powerful impetus for development. Hundreds of evacuated industrial enterprises from western and central regions of the USSR were relocated to Ural and Siberia. The Red Army was supplied with the necessary types of weapons and ammunition, which arrived at the front mainly from the areas of Ural-Siberian rear. Active development of the region’s economy continued in the post-war years.

Publishing: 29/06/2020

Original article >

How to cite: Timoshenko A.I. The Impact of World War II on Economical Development of the Ural and Siberia // Historical Courier, 2020, No. 3 (11), pp. 107–112. [Available online:] http://istkurier.ru/data/2020/ISTKURIER-2020-3-10.pdf

Links: Issue 3 2020

Keywords: World War II; economic development; industrialization; military defense industry; Ural; Siberia