“Let’s Change the Past....”: the Authorities and Historians in the Process of Developing Historical Memory

Deadline for submission of articles: July 1, 2024.

The past is an instrument of struggle for the minds and hearts of citizens and a mechanism of domination over the population. The change of political courses is motivated, among other things, by a different view of the past than that of its predecessors, and the mobilization of supporters of the new course always requires purposeful work to correct collective ideas about the past. Since the emergence of historians as a professional group, they have always been involved by the authorities in the process of forming historical memory. For some, the invitation of the authorities to cooperate became a chance to prove themselves, for others – a serious challenge. This thematic issue pursues a goal to publish the results of studying the complex interactions of the authorities and professional historians in the formation of historical memory and at the same time invites colleagues to reflect on a wide range of scientific and ethical problems arising in this regard.



A Man of War on the Way to Peace: Combatants in the History of Russia of the 20th Century

Deadline for submission of articles: September 1, 2024.

The 20th century has forever entered the history of Russia as the century of two world wars, revolutions and armed conflicts, in which millions of people took part with weapons in their hands. We plan to consider aspects related to the adaptation of combatants to civilian life. Articles devoted to insufficiently studied aspects of this topic are welcome, in particular the adaptation of women and adolescents participating in hostilities, as well as articles analyzing the social policy of the Soviet / Russian state in relation to former military personnel, including disabled people. A separate block will be made up of articles devoted to the specific processes of adaptation of participants in the Civil War, both Whites and Reds. The editors also hope to publish articles in which the problems of adaptation of combatants are considered in a broad general historical context.



Russian Scientific and Educational Potential in the 20th – First Quarter of the 21st Century: the Experience of Transformation

Deadline for submitting articles: until November 1, 2024.

The issue is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of formation and subsequent transformations of the national scientific and educational model in the Soviet and post-Soviet period. The priority area is the consideration of mechanisms and practices for the development and implementation of public policy in this sphere with the participation of the scientific and educational community in the context of the “big challenges” of the era. It is necessary to rethink traditional and develop new approaches and tools to understand the crises and sustainability of reproduction and transformation of scientific and educational institutions in changing political and socio-economic conditions.

The issue is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth (02/24/1925) of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Varlen Lvovich Soskin, one of the organizers of a new direction in the field of social history of science and higher education and includes a memorial section (documents, memories of him).



The 80th Anniversary of the Great Victory: Results and Prospects of Studying the History of the Great Patriotic War

Deadline for submitting articles: until January 15, 2025.

The anniversary of the Great Victory is not only an occasion to pay tribute to the feat of the ancestors who saved the world from the plague of fascism, but also a time to sum up the results of many years of study of the war by the historical community, to outline new promising areas of research, to revisit undeservedly ignored old problems. In this thematic issue of the journal, it is planned to publish review articles summarizing the research findings of research on various aspects of the military, socio-economic, historical, demographic, and cultural history of the Great Patriotic War. A separate block will include historiographical reviews reflecting the development of research views on the key problems of the Great Patriotic War. Highlighting and substantiating the relevance of new, little-studied issues and areas of historical research in the history of the Great Patriotic War is welcome.



Sources on the History of Spiritual Culture of Russia

Deadline for submitting articles: until January 15, 2025.

The thematic issue of the journal is supposed to consist of articles devoted to topical issues of studying the traditional spiritual culture of Russia in the 16th – 20th centuries. Research articles should present the results of the analysis of documentary and narrative sources, both well-known and newly introduced into scientific circulation. The issue commemorates the 60th anniversary of the beginning of the archaeological discovery of Siberia, the 95th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding historian of Russia, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Nikolai Nikolaevich Pokrovskiy and the 50th anniversary of the Archaeography and Source Studies Sector of the Institute of History of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.



“Eternal Contribution” – Target Funds in the History of Charity

Deadline for submitting articles: until February 15, 2025.

The issue will reflect the results of the latest research on the history of such an insufficiently studied area of charity as endowments. This topic has been actively developed in recent years in connection with the establishment of the annual Eternal Contribution Award by the National Association of Endowments. Both award winners and everyone are invited to participate in the preparation of the issue.



The Resettlement Society in Time and Space

Deadline for submitting articles: until July 1, 2025.

Modern Siberian society has become the result of a centuries-old migration movement. Moreover, it is important to consider resettlement to Siberia not as a separate event, but as a component of global migration processes. The approach to migration as a way of life is also important. Another significant aspect of the formation of Siberian society is the presence of internal and external relations among immigrants as part of society. In this context, a migrant is a connecting link, an intermediary for communities separated by large spaces and borders, including temporal and cultural ones. It is also necessary to take into account the historical context of the migration movement, the volume and directions of migration, the territorial specifics and intensity of migration processes, the quantitative and ethnonational composition of migrants, voluntary and forced resettlement. The resettlement society, as a category/object of historical analysis, requires additional study, including using modern multidisciplinary approaches. The editorial board suggests discussing the specifics and significance of this phenomenon in the history of Siberia, Russia and the world. Reports on scientific events, reviews of the latest literature on the topic of the issue, reviews and responses to out-of-print publications.



“You didn’t Know How Your Names Would Shine with Glory”: 200 Years since the Decembrist Uprising

Deadline for submitting articles: until September 1, 2025.

In 2025, a significant date in Russian history is celebrated – the 200th anniversary of the uprising on Senate Square. The title of our anniversary issue contains lines by Georgy Ivanov dedicated to the Decembrists and defining their significance in the historical and cultural memory of Russia. The revolt of December 14, 1825 was based on a powerful socio-political movement that went down in history as the Decembrist movement. In different periods, attitudes towards the Decembrists varied, but today the “firstborn of freedom” are again slowly but surely getting out from under the burden of historical falsifications and occupy a strong place in the historical and cultural tradition. Decembrist museums are developing, conferences are being held, including youth ones. This is a national memory that has broken through decades, through a difficult time of denial. Why is this happening? In the anniversary issue of the journal, we will try to understand the historiographical and cultural processes and assess this truly unique phenomenon. Modern Decembrist studies continue to develop actively and, perhaps, the upcoming 200th anniversary, following the example of the 150th anniversary of the Decembrist uprising celebrated in 1975, will give rise to a qualitatively new period in the study of the topic.