Komleva Evgeniya VladislavovnaKomleva, Evgeniya Vladislavovna

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Candidate of historical sciences, senior researcher of the Institute of History of the Siberian Branch of the RAS.

Research interests: social structure of the Siberian city in the 18th – 19th centuries, daily life and culture of citizens, history of the Siberian merchant class, development of the Northern territories of Siberia.

The author of over 120 scientific works, most important of which are "Yeniseisk Merchantry (Last Quarter of 18th – First Half of 19th Century" (Moscow, Academia, 2006), "Yeniseisk Merchantry in Persons (18th – Early 20th Century)" (Novosibirsk, Publishing House of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, 2012; co-author); "From the Heritage of Krasnoyarsk Merchants Larionovs. Iss. 1. Letters of the End of the 18th – First Third of the 19th Century" (Novosibirsk, Akademizdat, 2016), "Siberian Merchants: Contribution to the Economic Development and Study of North-Eastern Eurasia" (Novosibirsk, Parallel, 2018).