Evgeny Vasilyevich Semenov,
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Institute of Sociology, a Separate Division of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science of the Federal Research Sociological Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Successful Experience Integrating Science and Education. Monograph Review: Vybornova V.A., Fedoruk M.P. Novosibirsk State University. First Decade (1959−1968 ) / V.A. Vybornova, M.P. Fedoruk; Novosib. state. un-t. Novosibirsk: IPTs NGU, 2024. 294 p.
DOI: 10.31518/2618-9100-2025-1-19
The publication of a scientific monograph on the creation and the first decade of the NSU is a notable event in the study of the historical experience of the organization of science and education in the Soviet Union. The domestic experience of large scientific and technological projects, primarily Nuclear and Space, as well as the program for creating a network of science cities and the experience of successful integration scientific and educational projects of MIPT and NSU, have not been studied and understood enough. The book by V.A. Vybornova and M.P. Fedoruk partially fills the gap in the study of the practice of integrating science and education. The study is devoted to the formation (1959−1968) of Novosibirsk State University (NSU), which was created according to the model of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), the essence of which is the deep integration of science and education. Such an extremely rare experience for the USSR in creating initially integrated systems, including advanced science and the most modern university education at that time, was not scaled in a timely manner, but it did not lose its significance even after five or six decades.
Publishing: 24/02/2025
The article has been received by the editor on 11/11/2024
How to cite: Semenov E.V. Successful Experience Integrating Science and Education. Monograph Review: Vybornova V.A., Fedoruk M.P. Novosibirsk State University. First Decade (1959−1968 ) / V.A. Vybornova, M.P. Fedoruk; Novosib. state. un-t. Novosibirsk: IPTs NGU, 2024. 294 p. // Historical Courier, 2025, No. 1 (39), pp. 291–301. [Available online: http://istkurier.ru/data/2025/ISTKURIER-2025-1-19.pdf]
Links: Issue 1 2025
Keywords: Research University; integration of Science and Education; MIPT; NSU