Lyubov Nikolaevna Lazareva,

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Modern History of Russia, Moscow State Regional University, Mytishchi, Russia, e-mail:



Economic Reform of 1965 in the Context of the Problem of Multifactorial Causes of the Collapse of the USSR


 DOI: 10.31518/2618-9100-2022-4-3

 In modern historiography, the opinion has been confirmed that the reasons for the collapse of the USSR were a combination of objective and subjective factors. In this context, the problem of the role of the socio-economic model in the disintegration of the Soviet Union has great research potential. Within the framework of the unfolding discussion, the degree of effectiveness of centralized planning as a method of managing the national economy, the possibility of reformatting the existing economic model and transition to a market economy without destroying the state is assessed. The study of the economic reform of 1965 makes its contribution to the analysis of the causes of the genesis and dynamics of the development of centrifugal tendencies. The author comes to the conclusion that the incompatibility of the paradigms of the “Stalinist” model and the “Kharkov system” formed the inconsistency of the concept of the “Kosygin” reform. Therefore, the introduction of innovations in the economic mechanism reduced its effectiveness, but could not solve the problem of the “weak link” of the economic system “the state is a single factory”. At the same time, the analysis of the adjustments made to the “Stalinist” model does not give grounds for concluding that the Soviet economy is fundamentally not reformable. The author believes that in the disintegration of the USSR, priority was given to the political will of the Center, while economic factors played only a secondary role in this issue.

Publishing: 28/08/2022

The article has been received by the editor on 14/04/2022

Original article >

How to cite: Lazareva L.N. Economic Reform of 1965 in the Context of the Problem of Multifactorial Causes of the Collapse of the USSR // Historical Courier, 2022, No. 4 (24), pp. 32–44. [Available online:]

The publication was prepared with the financial support of the RFBR, project 21-09-43005 “Methodology for the Study of the Causes of the Collapse of the USSR”.

Links: Issue 4 2022

Keywords: economic reforms in USSR; economic mechanism; stalinist model of socio-economic development; conception of E.G. Lieberman; reform of A.N. Kosygin