History of Russian Orthodoxy of the 16th –20th CenturiesFrom the Editor

 Researchers representing various branches of humanitarian knowledge took part in the creation of the issue dedicated to the history of Russian Orthodoxy of the 16th – 20th centuries. Their core has traditionally been made up of historians and philologists, experts in various aspects of the history and culture of the Russian Orthodox Church and such a complex religious and social movement, which is commonly called Old Believers. The published research is supplemented by the works of librarians and musicologists who have enriched the problems of this issue of the journal. Being historians and philologists themselves, our authors are also specialists in such special areas of humanitarian knowledge as source studies, archeography, textual studies, codicology, that is, in a scientific field formed by special historical and philological disciplines. They reliably unite researchers, making them representatives of a single scientific community studying the problems of history and culture of Orthodox Christianity in Russia from the medieval period to the present time. Articles presented in this thematic issue are included in four sections: “Monuments of Writing in the History of the Russian Orthodox Church”, “Hierarchy and Management Institutions of the Russian Orthodox Church”, “History of Orthodox Pedagogy and Education”, “Book Culture and History of the Old Believers”.


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