Oleg Valentinovich Shumilin,

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Docent, The St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Valeria Olegovna Shumilina,

Post-Graduate Student, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Historical Time Series for Gold Mining in the Russian Empire (1741–1917)


 DOI: 10.31518/2618-9100-2021-5-4

 The information presented in the article is the historical time series of the amount of gold mining in the Russian Empire. The research is based on actual data from sources published in pre-revolutionary Russia and the work of L.B. Kafengauz, published in 1994. The article defines the methodological features of the historical time series compilation by the example of gold mining in the Russian Empire: determination of the start and end points of historical time series based on the study of various sources of information containing historical information about the beginning of the gold mining industry in the Russian Empire, taking into account various periodizations of historical processes, as well as specific historical events; ensuring the reliability of historical time series by using both generally accepted reliability criteria (a unified methodology for collecting and processing primary data) and a specific reliability criterion for historical time series (using the most reliable sources of historical statistical information, as well as providing bibliographic references to each level of the time series so that later researchers can check and, if necessary, correct previously compiled historical time series); ensuring the comparability of data in the historical time series compilation by using the same units of measurement, the same time intervals and the spatial database. The use of a unified methodology for the historical time series compilation made it possible to present data on the production of ligature gold, panning gold and pure gold in the Russian Empire in the period from 1745 to 1917, based on the systematization of information from various sources. The article can be used for making historical comparisons according to various social and economic indicators. The article can also be interesting to a wide range of readers interested in the history of our country.

Publishing: 28/10/2021

The article has been received by the editor on 25/05/2021

Original article >

How to cite: Shumilin O.V. , Shumilina V.O. Historical Time Series for Gold Mining in the Russian Empire (1741–1917) // Historical Courier, 2021, No. 5 (19), pp. 40–54. [Available online: http://istkurier.ru/data/2021/ISTKURIER-2021-5-04.pdf]

Links: Issue 5 2021

Keywords: peasantry; agrarian policy of the state; collectivization; collective farms; collective farm society; social mobility; Siberia