Konstantin Artyomovich Golodyaev,

Researcher, Museum of Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



The Village of Krivoshchekovo in the Tomsk District as a Border Point of Trade between Russians and Teleuts


 DOI: 10.31518/2618-9100-2021-5-10

 The study, based on the sources from the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts (RGADA), examines the issue of trade relations between Tomsk people and foreigners (Kalmyks, Bukharians) at the beginning of the 18th century. The analyzed documents of 1708 are today the earliest known sources, which mention the village of Krivoshchekovo, set on the Teleut boundary, and which is the first Russian settlement in the territory of the modern city of Novosibirsk. These documents themselves were introduced into scientific circulation by Doctor of Historical Sciences A.P. Umansky, and with reference to him were widely cited in the works of various researchers. They dealt with the case of violation of the ban on bargaining with foreigners by the Tomsk servicemen in detail, with many repetitions (lists). Notable is the attempt to turn the case against the former Tomsk voivode G.M. Petrovo-Solovovo and an appeal in this regard to Tsar Peter Aleiseevich. The purpose of the work is to clarify the period when the village of Krivoshchekovo was sounded on the Teleut boundary and the identity of its founder on the basis of a real source document. In addition, to draw conclusions about the state and scale of trade in the border areas of the Ob region, the property of service people in authority, their relationship, abuse of position, as well as details of the mechanism of investigative system during the period in question in Siberia. The work is of a source study character. The author carefully treats the orthography of the quoted fragments and the text itself, striving to understand the document in the context of the era of that era.

Publishing: 28/10/2021

The article has been received by the editor on 29/03/2021

Original article >

How to cite: Golodyaev K.A. The Village of Krivoshchekovo in the Tomsk District as a Border Point of Trade between Russians and Teleuts // Historical Courier, 2021, No. 5 (19), pp. 112–126. [Available online: http://istkurier.ru/data/2021/ISTKURIER-2021-5-10.pdf]

Links: Issue 5 2021

Keywords: Tomsk; Novosibirsk; Krivoshchekovo; Fedor Ilyin; Krivoshchek; Krinitsyn; Nekrasov; Andrey Stepnov; Ivan Kachanov; Grigory Petrovo-Solovovo; Teleuts