Aleksey V. Rykov,

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Altai State Pedagogic University, Barnaul, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Peasant Trade in the Peripheral Regions of the Altai Territory in Neighboring Regions as an Adaptation Practice During the Great Patriotic War (Based on Oral History)


 DOI: 10.31518/2618-9100-2020-5-16

 This article is intended to consider the trade of peasants in the peripheral regions of the Altai Territory in neighboring regions as an adaptative practice in wartime conditions. Considering the problem from this angle, the author in the article identifies both specific local features of trade and their causality, and traces specific trade practices characteristic of the peasantry as a whole. The research is based on materials from expeditions to the peripheral regions of the region: Krutikhinsky (Malovolchanka village) and Yeltsovsky (Yeltsovka village). At the beginning, the author describes the reasons for the increased role of trade in the life of peasantry during the war. Then, having analyzed the reasons for the trade of peasants in neighboring regions, the author comes to a number of conclusions. The proximity of cities, high prices for agricultural products, as well as the availability of more opportunities for purchasing the necessary industrial goods became the reasons for the orientation of the trade of peasants in the peripheral regions of the region precisely to the administrative centers of neighboring regions. The use of oral historical sources allowed the author to reconstruct the process of going to the city. The features of the organization of these trips were established, and the main difficulties that arose on the way it were highlighted. In addition, the list of food and industrial goods sold and purchased by peasants in the markets was separately considered. An important role in these campaigns was played by both the adaptation of the peasants to long-distance campaigns and the availability of the necessary home-made means for transporting goods.

Publishing: 30/10/2020

The article has been received by the editor on 12.07.2020

Original article >

How to cite: Rykov A.V. Peasant Trade in the Peripheral Regions of the Altai Territory in Neighboring Regions as an Adaptation Practice During the Great Patriotic War (Based on Oral History) // Historical Courier, 2020, No. 5 (13), pp. 187–195. [Available online:]

Links: Issue 5 2020

Keywords: peasantry; trade; collective farm market; Altai region; Novosibirsk; Stalinsk; adaptation practices