В поисках лучшей жизни: миграции населения на востоке страныFrom the Editor

 The thematic issue of the journal includes articles considering various aspects of the migration movement of population over the territory of modern Russia and abroad, starting from ancient times and up to the present. The study of the demographic development of the country and its regions is of great scientific interest, since it allows us to answer many topical questions of the socio-economic and even political development of Russian society. The practical significance of such research is obvious, since the study of the causes, scale, sources, and territorial directions of migration makes it possible to assess the consequences of modern decisions of central and regional authorities. In the post-Soviet period, historical research on migration has become much more active, and this issue continues the long-established tradition existing at the Institute of History SB RAS of publishing works by domestic and foreign authors that are devoted to the study of retrospective demographic processes.


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