Ради грядущих поколений…: к 75-й годовщине Великой ПобедыFrom the Editor

 This issue of the journal is special, most of the materials presented in it are dedicated to the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory. The Great Patriotic war is a significant period in the history of the peoples of the former USSR. It serves as a “bridge” connecting very different people. The memory of sacrifices and hardships, feats and victories lives in the heart of every person. The study of the Great Patriotic war has long been one of the most popular historical topics, but despite the great interest of historians, the intensity of passions around it does not subside. Historical discussions reach serious acuteness and often contain accusations of falsification and “blackening” of history, or, on the contrary, of “varnishing” and embellishing reality. In this situation, the only way to prevent the ideologization of ideas about the Great Patriotic war is to continue and expand scientific research from a variety of viewpoints.


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