Orlov Dmitriy S.,

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Altai State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University named after V.M. Shukshin, Biysk, Russia, е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Dynamical Series of Agricultural Development in West Siberia in the Second Half of 1960s – First Half of the 1980s: Features of Historical Sources and Results of Construction


 DOI: 10.31518/2618-9100-2019-5-3

 Author analyzes features of historical sources for constructing dynamical series of agricultural development in West Siberia in the second half of 1960s – first half of 1980s. Identification of main development trends of agricultural sector of economy, its sectoral, organizational and productive structure during the period under study is possible only on the basis of dynamical series of agricultural development. For the historical period under consideration the basic sources for constructing dynamical series of agricultural development in the territories and regions of USSR/RSFSR, including West Siberia, are thematic all-Union statistical collections “Agriculture of the USSR” and statistical yearbooks “National Economy of the RSFSR”. One of the problems of using these sources for constructing dynamical series is their incomplete comparability in terms of the methods of accounting and calculation of indicators, measurement units, territory, chronology, and the range of covered objects. In addition, statistical collections differ in the completeness of chronological and territorial presentation of material. Statistics available in some publications could be missing in the earlier or later publications. Gaps are connected both with condition of the subject of statistical monitoring (agriculture) and with the socio-political situation in the country. So-called stagnation, which manifested itself, among other things, in a slowdown in the development of agrarian economy, directly affected the completeness of official statistics. A sharp minimization of information in official statistics occurred during the second half of 1970s – the first half of 1980s. In the second half of 1980s the volume of published materials expanded again. Despite impossibility of constructing dynamical series on the basis of some indicators, the identified statistic data allow us to make representative reconstruction of general trends in agricultural development in West Siberia.

Publishing: 31/10/2019

Original article >

How to cite: Orlov D.S. Dynamical Series of Agricultural Development in West Siberia in the Second Half of 1960s – First Half of the 1980s: Features of Historical Sources and Results of Construction // Historical Courier, 2019, No 5 (7), pp. 36–47. [Available online:] http://istkurier.ru/data/2019/ISTKURIER-2019-5-03.pdf

Links: Issue 5 2019

Keywords: agricultural policy of the Soviet state; agriculture; historical sources; documental collections; dynamical series; Siberia